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*Raise your hand and wait to be called on

*Be polite and always respect others

*Follow directions and listen carefully

*Use kind words

*Tell the truth

*Never give up

*Work hard, play fair

*Dream BIG

Classroom Rules

I think it is important to have rules in the classroom.  These rules will provide a setting where students can learn and feel safe asking questions.  Students will be expected to learn what their strengths and weaknesses are and learn how to ask for help when needed.  It is important for students to feel safe while at school.  Therefore, I will also be focusing on students interactions with each other.  Students will be shown the importance of listening to others and understanding their feelings.  It is important to notice the positive qualities of others. 

My classroom managment style is derivied from the work of Linda Albert.  According to Albert, students misbehavior is linked to students wanting to gain attention, gain power, and to avoid failure.  According to albert there are 3 C's to avoid misbehavior.  Capability, connecting, and contributing.  For capability students need to know that mistakes are okay.  I feel that mistakes are how we learn.  Students need to feel like learning is within their reach.  I think it is important to recognize the achievement of the student.  By doing this their confidence will increase and they will continue to try.  For connecting, the student needs to feel the teacher cares.  I really do care for each of my students.  I will show attention to all students and appreciation for what each one brings to our class.  The last C is for contributing.  I feel in order for a student to be successful they need to contribute in class, school, community, and help other students.  I expect all my students to contribute in class and around school.  I also expect all students to help other students if they can.  I will also incorporate helping the community in some lessons I teach.  As far as the code of conduct goes, it is important to teach the rules, enforce the rules, reinforce the rules, and involve students and parents in the process.  This is a group effort.

Anchor 1

Follow rules

Return homework

Ask for help when needed

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Always try your best


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